
Automated vending machine for personal protective equipment

Easy, fast & intuitive navigation, click on the picture and remove your PPE

Opt for an ECO-logical and economical distribution of your PPE. The EPIMAT is the essential tool for managing your PPE.
The EPIMAT is assembled according to your needs, two frame sizes are available with a capacity varying from 36 to 806 locations.

The EPIMAT is controlled by a personal computer, it is equipped with a touch screen as well as a badge reader adapted to the technology of your company.
The EPIMAT is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and guarantees that your employees will use the right PPE.

Easy to use

Permanent availability and inventory of items (24/7)

Complete traceability of dispensed and returned items

Manage up to 500 references

Easy, fast and intuitive browsing

With the Epimat

  • Reduce consumption significantly (30 to 40%)
  • Each item can be retrieved using a badge. We can adapt the reader to your own badge technology.
  • Manage your inventory electronically:
    • Monitor inventory levels in real time
    • Prevent stock-outs
    • Receive alerts
  • The EPIMAT is easy to install and works independently of the company network. No need for an Ethernet RJ45 socket, the machine uses the GSM network (4G or lower).

Click on the picture and retrieve your PPE

And many other benefits

  • Simplified stock management, stock alerts, permissions, consumption history, etc.
  • Easy installation, only one electrical outlet required
  • Compliance with the safety & prevention department’s recommendations
  • Reduced consumption and optimised working times for your team leaders

Logimatiq Système vending machines

Logimatiq Système vending machines

Vending machine for consumables and tools

The automatic dispenser for better PPE management

Automatic dispenser that secures and facilitates access to all your keys

Automatic office supply dispenser

Automatic clothing dispenser