Logimatiq Système vending machines

Discover all our vending machines

Are you looking for an efficient solution to manage your company’s inventory and reduce consumption in an economical and environmentally friendly way?

We manufacture smart automated vending machines in France (and deliver them wherever you are), capable of providing all types of products to your employees and/or your customers.

Find the right Logimatiq Système automated vending machine for you needs…

Automated vending machine for personal protective equipment

Easy, fast & intuitive navigation, click on the picture and remove your PPE

Opt for an ECO-logical and economical distribution of your PPE. The EPIMAT is the essential tool for managing your PPE.
The EPIMAT is assembled according to your needs, two frame sizes are available with a capacity varying from 36 to 806 locations.

The EPIMAT is controlled by a personal computer, it is equipped with a touch screen as well as a badge reader adapted to the technology of your company.
The EPIMAT is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and guarantees that your employees will use the right PPE.


Automated vending machine for personal protective equipmen

The ultimate vending machine for cutting tools & industrial consumables

Don’t risk halting your production!

Your tool consumption is difficult to quantify. That’s where our TOOLMAT automated vending machine comes in
TOOLMAT is a bespoke dispensing system with a 806-item capacity

Sort your tools by family and make it easy to search by reference, code or keyword, with intuitive and fast browsing.
TOOLMAT uses automatic logging to help you track your tools, last use and duration, and alert you in case items aren’t returned…


The ultimate vending machine for cutting tools & industrial consumables

Manage package delivery easily

Ensure that your employees are available at all times

The increase in the number of parcels in companies is a burden for the departments that distribute them.
Our CLICK & COLLECT solution provides you with an unlimited network of relay points to secure and track your internal and external orders and parcels. The CLICK & COLLECT automatic lockers allow the delivery of parcels and goods in a self-service withdrawal point, accessible 24 hours a day. As soon as the parcel arrives, the recipient receives a unique collection code by e-mail or SMS. This code allows him/her to identify himself/herself on the terminal and then to collect the parcel whenever he/she wants.

Click & Collect

Manage package delivery easily

Offer yourself the traceability of your key

Don't look for your keys anymore...

If you are looking for an efficient solution to store your keys, the KEYMAT automatic key dispenser secures and facilitates access to over 800 keys.
Each key is deposited in an individual, secure locker, out of sight. The KEYMAT’s small footprint allows you to pass through a standard door.
Available 24/7 and accessible via a secure access badge, your employees, collaborators and contractors can access your key pool at any time.


Offer yourself the traceability of your keys

Optimize the management of your office supplies

Don't risk stopping your production

Access to office supplies is often a headache in companies: not available or to be ordered, compulsory passage through the secretariat, locked cupboard, no follow-up etc… Thanks to L’OFFICEMAT, make available to your employees the supplies necessary for their activity. Stationery, small computer equipment, audiovisual equipment consignment…

L’OFFICEMAT facilitates and offers you a permanent control of consumption. If you need large volumes, it is possible, additional columns complete the solution, allowing you to store bulky products, printing toners, reams of paper, folders, etc… 

Officemat Bureautique

Optimize the management of your office supplie

Automatic clothing dispenser

Vetimat is a fully automatic machine for the collection and recording of clothing equipped with tags. The solution meets the needs of customers who have their own clothing registration system and lack a reliable reception control system, or who want to simplify the process and make it more convenient for users. Vêtimat is a kind of chute equipped with a computer, tag reader, and screen. Through Internet connection, it has access to the database and registry of clothing that is in circulation. The clothes fall into a standard cart located inside the machine to simplify the use of the machine. Vêtimat can accommodate from 250 to 350 pieces of clothing. Its dimensions are: width 95 cm, height 200 cm, depth 100 cm.


Automatic clothing dispenser